Monday, February 9, 2009

We are now number...

I just got a note from my mom, letting me know that by her "calculations" we are now #69 on the unofficial waiting list. The year of '69 is special to both of my parents since that is the year of their high school graduation. My mom had fun putting together a few fun facts from 1969. Perhaps she wore an outfit similar to the photo below?
Draft lottery was reinstated for the Vietnam War -- the first since WWII (my dad's # was 202 out of 366 -- lottery was based on the date of your birthday).

Astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the Moon and uttered the immortal words "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

The most famous music festival of modern times "WOODSTOCK" took place on a New York Farm on August 15th to August 17th with more than 400,000 avid music fans attending to see the Who, Jimi Hendrix, Crosby Stills Nash and Young and others perform live.

Average new house cost $15,550
Gas cost 35 cents

Richard Nixon becomes President of the United States.

Golda Meir of Milwaukee, Wisconsin , USA, becomes Prime Minister of Israel.

Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) Established
Sesame Street known for its Muppet characters, makes it's debut on PBS.

Wal-Mart incorporates as Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

First transplant of human eye

Seiko sells the first Quartz Watch

Internet USA invented by the US military ("Not Al Gore!", my mom jokes.)

Bell Bottom Jeans and tie-dye shirts become part of the teenage fashion scene (My mother proudly wore them both!!!)

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