Monday, July 6, 2009

Quack, Quack, Quack

My little duck is turning out to be quite a skilled swimmer these days. We have taken 2 weeks of swim lessons and Mehandis is kicking, jumping and splashing up a storm.

He learned how to safely go underwater in his last class... by closing his eyes, shutting his mouth and holding his breath. As you can see in the photo above, Mehandis thinks that he needs his tongue out whenever he shuts his mouth.

Sometimes, he empties the pool a little too quickly with his antics - both literally and figuratively!

Cousin Lauren is very patient with him. She is a waterbug herself.

Unfortunately, my water-loving friend Dara was unable to enjoy beach time with us during our last visit to the Fort. The weather never got out of the 60's so we made the best of it with a picnic at a playground and lots of fun during Mehandis's 3 hour nap! The adults enjoyed watching a movie, followed by cocktails. George is quite skilled with a swizzle stick and a story.


We all enjoyed the "snicky-snacks" after Mehandis woke up.

The boys shared some new dance moves with us as well!

So as the summer is moving on... the time to get to my "To Do List" is shortening. The list includes some painting, photo album filling, closet re-organization and porch repairs. But the most daunting to me is potty training!
I do think that Mehandis will be excited to finally be allowed to flush the toilet (he asks all the time) but I just hope he can make it to the toilet eventually! My mom bought Mehandis "Cars" underwear... which Mehandis knows he gets to wear when he is potty trained. For now he is happy using his "big boy pants" as a hat.

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