Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Family (and the Circus) Comes to Town!

The last two weeks we welcomed overnight guests. My mom came for a few days, during the week we had a bit of a heat wave. We had a great time together playing in the sprinkler, getting our hair done, going to a Texas BBQ and taking respite in the down stairs AC. She quite a knack for making tunnels and elaborate track designs... which I am having difficulty now replicating for Mehandis.

Last week, during much milder summer heat my dad's brother and sister, Uncle Gregg and Aunt Ardith came for a visit. They enjoyed teaching Mehandis the names of more American -made cars (being from the Michigan, BMW's just don't cut it!), eating dinners al fresco, and getting re-acquainted with their great-nephew.

Enjoying some conversation and relaxation together, the day they arrived.

Uncle Gregg took to train playing and Sesame Street watching with Mehandis.

We took a trip to the Children's Museum, where Aunt Ardith got to enjoy "playing" with a crane in the post office display.

We then walked to the lake front to see the Circus Parade festivities. There were many ornate circus cars, elephant and pony rides and a petting zoo.

Mehandis did very well giving all of the animal feed out of the ice cream cone to the goats. I was convinced he would want a bite as well!

As luck had it, our swim lesson's open house was during the week my aunt and uncle were in town. So we have new swim class pics :)
The little boy receiving Mehandis's splashes doesn't look so thrilled at how skilled of a kicker Mehandis is.

Mehandis kept looking to the balcony for Uncle Gregg.

The instructors do a good job complimenting Mehandis on his swimming. They told him that he was one of the best jumpers, underwater goers and shows much enthusiasm for the water!

This is the best part of class for Mehandis... jumping! Ready. Set.


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