Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Questions Under Oath

The boys and I enjoyed a half day of work and/or school last Wednesday since it was Abera's court date for Milwaukee County Re-Adoption.  Each county has a little different regulations regarding "re-adoption" of children that have already been legally adopted internationally.  Our county requires a fee, bond, paperwork and court appearance. 

I thought that it would be nice for Mehandis to join us for the formal event, but "four" and formal don't always go hand-in-hand.  While I was asked, under oath, to state and spell my full name - Mehandis had an objection.  He said, "No, it's Mama."  Following that he decided he really had some important paperwork that needed to be delivered behind the judge's bench.  I began working up a sweat trying to coerce, threaten and bribe him into staying on my lap... all in between answering questions.  Mehandis then busied himself with writing more paperwork versus delivering. 

Fortunately the judge was quite good natured about it all.  At the end of our "testimonies" he asked both Michael and myself to take the chance for asking any question we wanted of each other... since it isn't often a spouse gets the chance to question the other under oath. 

The judge then extended and invite for us all to join him behind the bench.  Mehandis was then given the gavel to make the proceedings official.  He then offered our social worker to take a photo... nice offer but not so nice of a pic!  The look on my face shows relief or fatigue?

And then we were off once again...

Welcome to Abera as a official Milwaukee County Wolaver!


Jess said...

Oh my goodness I can't believe you did it already!!!! I haven't even filed our documents to get a court date yet! Great, thanks for making me feel like a total slacker:)

Unknown said...

And I felt like a slacker for waiting a month to start our paperwork process! Feeling better already ;) Let's play soon, perhaps the week I am home after Christmas?

Jess said...

Glad I could help you out! During break would be great...all 5 will be home:/