Monday, May 4, 2009

Walking, Talking and Sleeping

This past weekend Mehandis and I participated in the Walk-a-Mile (actually 3K) event for the Guest House. This organization has housed and fed thousands of homeless men in downtown Milwaukee for over 10 years. About a month ago Michael and I participated in one of their meal programs and then learned of the upcoming walk. Since Michael was out of town for the weekend, Mehandis and I represented our family and enjoyed the event. Here we are pictured below with some other walkers from our church.

Although Mehandis more "strolled" than walked during the previous event... he continues to talk up a storm! Some funny recent quotables:

As riding by McDonald's -
M: "McDoughnut's!"
Mom: "McDonald's?"
M: "No! McWaffle's. McPancakes. McDoughnut's!"

When giving me a high 5- "Rocking!"

While waiting for Dad to come home-
M: "Daddy at office?"
Mom: "Yes, he'll be home soon."
M: "Daddy in Mexico?"

As I type this Mehandis is narrating this portion of the blog. He is saying "That's my new bed! I see my new bed. Look at choo choo's". Yes, he is correct. No more crib for our 2 year old. He has successfully transitioned into a toddler bed. We tried to make it as enticing as possible for Mehandis so we also Incorporated a new Thomas the Tank blanket. Worked like a charm the first night... laid him down, read a book and he slept the whole night through. Michael even got him out of bed in the morning.

Since that time, Mehandis celebrates his new freedom by bringing 3 to 5 books from his bookshelf into bed with him. He has learned that he can get out of bed and go downstairs on his own (until we learned to lock the door at the top of the stairs). Only one night did he climb out of bed in the middle of the night. Thank goodness that I wake up as soon as I hear his door knob turn. Can't imagine waking up to a little face staring at me.

And yes, there are days that he makes multiple attempts at getting out of bed... right after being put down. As seen above! But although he looks determined he easily gives up after checking the immovable door knob one to two times - thank goodness he doesn't know that it takes one of us on the other side of the knob to make it immovable!
Next step potty training. Hmm...

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