Monday, April 27, 2009

Nearing to 2nd?

Okay... so it seems that I stand corrected in stating that we are half way done with waiting for the referral of Mehandis's little brother or sister. Yes, so far it has been about 8 months of officially waiting since our dossier acceptance. Yes, our agency did project 12 months as the anticipated "wait time"... but about a month ago they changed this to 14 to 18 months. In taking the conservative thought process I am now likening this to being between 1st and 2nd base. Home plate (traveling to Ethiopia) comes on average 3 months after receiving the referral. Guess I was trying to steal to second and the umpire caught me? Look at all I have learned about baseball since having two males in the house! Cute picture above of Mehandis, playing his favorite sport with one of his favorite cousins, taken a few weeks back.

The following photo series is on a completely different topic. It documents silliness in mom's robe. Mehandis kept asking me to put my robe on him... a little large for our little man but we made it work.

Kisses and cuddles!

Handsome in a house coat. Wish I looked that cute in it.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Nearing second sounds great! I feel like we can't even get a base hit:)