Sunday, January 30, 2011

To Do List

The time is now to-
  1. Paint the new quarter rounds.
  2. Paint the old base boards (with a bonus of making one husband extremely happy).
  3. Organize photos from 2008/09 on.
  4. Order "recent" photos.
  5. Put those pics in albums!
  6. Find more books that I am inspired to read.
  7. Appreciate the rate that Abera moves now... so soon he will be running!
  8. Read 2 books to Handi when I am tired at night and just want to read one.
  9. Take more videos of my incredible and lovable boys.
  10. Give thanks for all that I am able to do and all that others do for me.
Now I just have to go and change one stinky diaper!  But feel free to ask me how I am doing on my list.


AnneB said...

I was going "Handi? Who's Handi? Did they slip a third one in there?"

And then I realized this is the first time I remember you using a nickname for Mehandis in print! (Although it took me a paragraph or so to figure out that Bear = Abera, too.)

Unknown said...

Yes, it is tricky... not only getting our boys names right but then figuring out the nicknames on top of it! Thanks for reading Anne :)

Jess said...

hmmm did you say painting???? Maybe we need a girls night in? Give me a little pizza and a few beers and you'll be amazed at what gets painted;)

this list looks pretty much identical to mine!

do you have the flip? I got one for x-mas, it really does the video taking much easier and more frequent!

Unknown said...

Yes, we do have a flip. It is super simple to take videos with... it is just the online sharing part that slows me down!

Love your idea of girls painting party. Happy to supply the paint, pizza and pints!