Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow... and then stop!

Okay, I admit I selfishly had been hoping for a snow day last Friday. I am not the one who snowblows or shovels... so snow days mean spending the day home from school with Mehandis and having Michael come home for lunch (cuz he has to clear the snow). And though Michael had to clear the driveway and walk 2 to 3 times that day, we were all in good spirits and enjoyed the beautiful landscape.

Mehandis was in awe of the "now" as he calls it and kept looking for "choo choos" which I later figured out were snow blowers. Below he looking out at Michael's car - the side mirror is the only part that identifies it under the snowy pile.

We had fun reading "Frosty the Snowman" and enjoyed cozying up on the couch.
I even got all of the gifts wrapped/bagged while Mehandis played. He really enjoyed climbing the crock pot and banging the walls with the empty gift wrap tubes. Between the two of us we created quite the mess.
This weekend Michael and I went to our local coffee shop to see Santa. Mehandis enjoyed his doughnut quite a bit more than his visit with Santa this year. No tears at least!
Oh yeah, back to the snow. I think the winter wonderland outside is picturesque enough for now. So I hope we can hold off on snow until traveling is complete... and school is back in session!

1 comment:

Jess said...

We really liked partying with you too! We'll have to get the familis together sometime soon!

I can't wait to meet the handsome little man!