Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Goodbye Summer... Hello Autumn!!!

Gotta get in our summer camping trip while summer is still pretty fresh in our minds. I do believe that today is the first day of autumn... but I am celebrating that we can still be wearing sleeveless shirts and sandals. Not bad!

The last week of my summer break we took a week long camping trip with many of Michael's extended family. We had parents, aunts, uncles, cousins and siblings join us in Leelanau, Michigan.
Our tent, housed with a pack and play for Mehandis's "room", worked out pretty well for us once again (minus the sandy sleeping quarters and broken zipper). Mehandis loved his hunter orange camping vest... and hammed it up for the camera!

Here Michael is in the dining quarters with Aunt Rita. We did pretty well with our campfire menu. I think that the Chicken Parmesan was my favorite meal. Actually the burrito (almost) the size of my head beat everything else out... but that was store-bought pre-made on a rainy day in Leland!

We are a family of campers and of Subaru Forresters. Can you make out the three in a row?

I think Mehandis is doing a yoga move here.

On a nature walk with Cousin Julia and Aunt Rita.

They enjoyed walking in the stream as well. No need for Mehandis to take his shoes off as he went shoeless 95% of the trip.

Ahh, the fatigue sets in. Time to cuddle up!

One of the two beach days in Empire. Here is Michael's cousin Kelly with Jack and Katherine. We enjoyed conversations, laying in the sun, listening to Uncle J.R. and Dad play the guitar... and eating PBJ.

Of course we can't leave out the endless fun that Mehandis had swimming the day away!!!

I do believe that the saying "Lazy Days of Summer" does not apply to our family!!!


Erin said...

Wow! Great photos! : ) I enjoyed reading the blog, as always!!!

Love you!

Unknown said...

Thanks for your loyal readership Erin! And yes, credits are all yours for the pics.

Erica V. said...

Hi Michele,

I was thinking of you and discovered your new blog!!! I very much enjoyed reading it too! The Miami Vice party photos were hilarious, and the photos of Mehandis were adorable. Glad to see you are still blogging and I can't wait for more!
