Monday, June 8, 2009

Hints of Summer!

Summer is coming! Despite our recent donning of sweaters, the threat of frost at night and days when the thermometer doesn't get past the 50's... I have already seen the signs of summer.

1. My calendar says only 3 more days of school.

2. Michael's sail boat is back in the water.

3. It is light outside from 4:45 until 8:45

4. We are tending to go barefoot pretty frequently.

5. Picnics and eating on the porch are occurring at least 3 times a week.

6. The pool is open!

7. Laundry can wait until the weekend.

8. Already needed to buy a new pack of swim diapers.

9. Sunglasses and sunscreen are becoming a necessity.
10. The calendar is getting booked up with camping trips, road trips, swim lessons, play dates and other summery goodness :)

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