Saturday, September 13, 2008

Jazz in the Park

Summer staples for my friends and I includes grapes, hummus and wine. This is so we will be ready at a moment's notice to pack up a cooler and head to Cathedral Square... for Jazz in the Park. By now we know the best parking secrets but have slowly migrated from center stage to side/back stage (which we seem to prefer now, too noisy up front you know?). I do have to say that our food and beverage selection has definitely improved since the summer Thursday's of our college years. Although some do still fondly recall EZ cheese & oreos (patent pending), the upgrade from muppet glasses to brie, savory meats and pretty good sweets are appreciated. Though our numbers have dwindled in attendance, we definitely have a core of faithful partakers, who only need to put "Jazz?" in the subject line of an email and we know to start looking for a babysitter!

Last Thursday was the end of the '08 Jazz season. Colleen did a super job getting us motivated to go, despite the threat of cooler weather and rain. Kerbie and Colleen drove up from Illinois and met Dominique, Maira and I (Stefan and Peter were part-time attenders). We had so much fun catching up, celebrating Kerbie's birthday and making plans for more fall/winter outings.

Sometimes we get creative with the location of "Jazz". We have done Jazz on the Porch several times and this year Maira and Peter hosted Jazz at the M's. Don't really know if any jazz was playing, but their backyard was very accommodating to both adults and kids.

Here are the players-

Peter, Erin, Michael and Toph

Handsome Diego
Cynthia and little Griffin
Everyone enjoying good company, a cool beverage... or item's from Dominique's purse.

Here Stefan is concerned that Mehandis has lost a shoe. Mehandis doesn't even notice that it is off, as he continued to run (lopsided) through the yard.
The boys checking out an awesome dump truck.
I have a "great" idea to give them rides in it.
Hmm, guess Mehandis would rather be the driver once again.

Thanks Maira for all of the great photos!!!


Sherri said...

Hi Michelle and Michael,
I am now the proud grandma of precious Tizita who arrived home on Friday. Courtney and paul let us visit with her on Saturday for a bit and it was wonderful. She is just beautiful. Please thank you mom for her kind encouraging words while they were traveling. Best of luck on your next little bundle of joy from ET. I will be checking on you.
Sherri (Courtney's mom)

Sherri said...

One question for you. Was it Lake Geneva that you walked around and if so, how long did it take you to do the entire 26 miles? Would you email me when you have time with the answers? Thanks.