Monday, August 15, 2011

Camping with Culture

BIG thanks to Courtney and Paul for their annual invites in joining their family for Ethiopia Heritage Camp.  We are so happy we accepted the invite this summer... what an incredible weekend!!!

The camp is run by the Chicago EAKC organization and held in William's Bay off Geneva Lake.  We shared a rustic cabin (had bunk beds, mattresses, electricity, lighting and table/chairs) with the VA's.  Sharing of the top bunk by our four and a half year olds' didn't go as smooth as our co-habitating but it was just as much fun.

Abera & Tiz on a walk

We enjoyed having all of our meals prepared for us in the dining hall as well as the campfire corn roast and s'mores.  Mawi Asgedom, a well known author (and one of Oprah's fave top 20 interviewees) gave an incredible presentation too.  

Courtney lending a helping hand with little Bear ;)
We learned more of the healing properties of coffee and enjoyed a traditional coffee ceremony run by an Amharic speaking Caucasian Senior Citizen.... she was amazing!

As the weekend went further along our 4 year olds' (and 1 year old too) earned a lot more independence.  Mehandis and Tiz took an awesome solo adventure through the woods - with a few great quotes to share upon their return.
Abera was picked out from the group to participate in the teens' play they put on toward the end of camp.
Abera being held on the back of an "actress"
His role was unfortunately cut short due to his fatigue and finicky mood.

Mehandis and Abera both made their own sets of fast friends and "fans".

Definitely looking forward to making this an annual event.

Friday, August 12, 2011

16 words at 16 months?

As Abera turns 16 months old today I will try to his big little self in 16 words -
  • Social
  • Musical
  • Confident
  • Persistent
  • Joyful
  • Adventurous
  • Loving
  • Skilled
  • Moving
  • Eager
  • Imitative
  • Vociverous (if that means "having a large appetite for many things")
  • Fast
  • Beautiful
  • Silly
  • Vocal

And to further expand upon his vocal skills, let me try to capture all of the words he is now saying!
  1. Mama
  2. Dada
  3. Dandi (for Handi)
  4. mi (milk)
  5. kaker (cracker)
  6. cheese
  7. more
  8. all done
  9. let's go!
  10. yes
  11. no
  12. ow si (outside)
  13. tee (teeth)
  14. dater (water)
  15. To (for our neighbor Tom)
  16. Dido (for their dog rhino)
  17. doddy (doggy)
  18. boo (book)
  19. ball
  20. up
  21. uh-oh
  22. go
  23. nigh-nigh (night-night)
  24. hi
  25. bye
I probably have left some off.... but have to stop bragging at some point ;)