Thursday, August 21, 2008

Play Dates

A big hug goes out to my friends and family who added so much happiness to our summer. Monday I return to school and Mehandis returns to daycare. A bit bittersweet but we have so much fun ahead!!!

I have also become more familiar with the world of play dates... and Mehandis is now doing more of the playing with the "dates" versus along side them. The following 3 photos are from a fun morning with Natalie and Rachel.

My "new" sprinkler find, from a resale shop, leaked a bit more than it sprinkled. But the kids still loved splashing in the puddles it made.

Don't ask Natalie to be the bubble blower of the group;) My speech therapist skills helped out with getting our homemade bubble solution going.
Mehandis loves to do his somersaults any chance he can... especially if sand or water is involved. All you have to say is "tumble" and he goes into a version of downward dog.

Our friend Carrie brought Gisela over for some playtime as well. Mehandis kept trying to get into Carrie's lap since that is where Gisela was. He also rocked his new little friend in her carrier and loved touching her toes. Gisela gave little smiles and kept her eye on Mehandis... smart girl.

Okay... we are now off for the cabin. One last Friday off for Michael before the family falls into the school year routine.

I learned something new!!!

Yippee!!!! I am officially You Tube literate, so now I can post videos on the blog. Just don't tell my husband that I am still struggling to remember how to use the external hard drive.

The video in this post rocks... literally. Mehandis is a dancing machine. He picks up moves from 3 year old friends (like Quinn and Julia) as well ans from things (like the washing machine). He asks to dance at least 15 times a day... and we happily oblige. What a great way to exercise and bring a quick smile to our faces :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What I've Done My Summer Vacation

You would think that I would have tons of time to post pictures and write little blurbs on the blog since I am off of work this summer. However, it seems the computer is a little harder to have access to these days. We have started a pattern of finishing dinners at 8:30 or 9 and only computer is taken by Michael to work all day. We have lost our wireless, and thus sitting in the office on-line does not seem the most appealing after 9 these days. But geez... we have had a lot of fun off-line. Check it out-

Mehandis graduated from his first swim class, which ran from June to July. We met some potential playdates and babysitters through the process. Our little guy never did get the nack for blowing bubbles; however, he charmed the teachers ever time. Erin came along for the last class. She sat in the upper balcony and still managed to get the following pictures.
I was amazed how the group of 18 to 36 month olds got to understand the routine and learn a bunch of new songs in the process!
Mehandis is supposed to be learning how to blow bubbles from me here; however, he ended up getting a belly of water and belches instead.
Here is Mehandis and I doing his favorite back float to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. He is now saying "diamond" in the bath whenever he lays on his back. Another little aside is that he is loving to stand up in the bath and pretend he is the parent - pointing his finger saying "sit down" with a stern look.

I took the Amtrak to Chicago with Mehandis and myself earlier this month. We stayed the week and had a pampered and perfect time. Mehandis, or should I say my mom especially, loved Lincoln Park Zoo. He kept running back to this egg tube and fought his way to either end.

Given the number of photos and catching up I have to do on this entry maybe it is good that the following photos are space efficient? Don't know why these ended up so tiny... but click on them for a full screen showing.

Mehandis and his grandpa running down the Lake Michigan Beach.
Beach toy fun in his "Sunday-Best".
Yikes, my parents hope that my in-laws know that this outfit did come clean in the wash. Michael's parents gave it to Mehandis for a recent family wedding... and I was not planning on adventures sand/water play when we set out in our fancy duds.
Mehandis and I both needed a deep clean when we got back to the condo.

Did you Millennium Park has great ice cream? Just ask my mom and Mehandis about the orange sherbet. Mehandis has surprisingly accurate spoon skills when eating this frozen delight.

Okay, I also learned of the wonders of the Children's Museum while in Chicago. Navy Pier's Museum is awesome... thanks Kerbie for the suggestion and group tickets!

When Mehandis saw the Waterworks area he gladly donned the raincoat and went to "water-work".
I had to throw this photo in so you can understand what Mehandis is doing in the photo after this.
Yep, Mehandis wants to make a guitar out of anything these days. Or a drum. Or a dance move.
Here our little man is hunting for dinosaur bones. He ended up enjoying tossing the little broom and faux dirt down the ramp, more then the actual dig.

Okay, our family is getting pretty brave these days. Not only has our indoor kitty (actually an 11 year old cat) decided to become an outdoor explorer... but the 3 human household members recently ventured on a 2 night excursion camping at Kohler-Andrae. Mehandis loved helping setting up camp. He actually is a great camper - sleeping great for naps and through the night is all that it takes to qualify as this for a 19 month old (in my book).
The ball helped to distract from the fire pit and other 5 to 10 hazards.

Umm, please remind me that Mehandis likes to collect rocks on his tray and in his food when his high chair is not so high.

Mehandis and Michael taking their first water run together.
He kept holding his hands up saying "AGAIN"!!!
No, the MU sweatshirt never did look the same after this trip. But how cute is this camper?
Michael and I felt like kids going down this super fast curly-Q slide. Mehandis was absolutely fearless and went down it at least a dozen times. We had stop him mid-way almost every time to turn him around, so he wouldn't "land" head first.

While I still have not finished the first page of my "Mehandis" scrapbook... I feel good that I have at least been somewhat documenting our activities via this blog. Should make it easier when I finally get it all on paper. Hopefully some of you are still having fun checking our our adventures as well! It has been great hearing feedback from quite a wide variety of people :) Next entry will include video... thanks Natalie for the suggestion. Now I will conquer the next advanced media form!!!